Friday, November 04, 2005
To be gay or not to be gay?
Now luckily I've never been faced with any overt homophobia. And I prey that this continues. That being said though I am very sensitive when I stumble across it else where, like this gem of a website.
At first, I do have to admit, I found this rather amusing. But the more I read of the content the more I realised that this was totally serious, and not a joke as I'd first assumed. That they were actually selling this drug to 'de-gay' men.
In a way the thing that upsets me most about this entire site and its message is not its rampant prejudice, after all I'm very aware of small mindedness the world over, but the way the makers of this drug are using medicine to make homophobia ok.
But more importantly there will be people out there who truly believe the rhetoric that these people and hate themselves so much, that they will fill their bodies with a drug that will no doubt to little more that perpetrate their self loathing.
However it is important to remember I guess that the views of the makers of Hetracil are only one of the many different views out there. After all these people in Denmark obviously think it is great to be gay!
Well that is today’s rant. Look back soon for more on the New Zealand election and why love sucks.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I'm a fan girl, I admit it
Not only that but I just got very excitied about the Buffy Complete Collection that is on pre-order at Amazon.
I don't entirely know why this stuff excites me so much. I have always loved it. I'm pretty sure it is the ability to escape my somewhat boring (well comparatively) world and enter this utterly different place. In terms of fandom Xena did it first, then Buffy took over the reigns. No other shows have yet been able to grip me in quite the same way, though I do constantly look.
I think it just comes down to strong women doing kick arse things. I like strong women. I admire them and I want to be one. And being able to watch them do the stuff they do is quite simply fantastic. I was going to go into some deep discourse as to why this was but really I'm just excited by Joss and anything he creates. Hell I even watched Alien: Resurrection after I heard he co-wrote it!
Listening to: Modest Mouse -- The Moon and Antarctica
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Music I should listen to
Election time
I hate election year. The lying, the promises that you know will be broken, the smarmy politicians (read Winston Peters)... it really makes you wonder who the hell came up with this system. It isn't like anything will change or improve. Most likely it will just get worse.
It has all come down, for me at least, who I disagree with less. What a stupid way to decide who is going to be running the country for the nest 3 years. But the only other option is to just not vote, and I feel that there are too many people in the world, especially women, who still do not have that right for me to just throw it away. I know a number of people who won't be voting on Saturday, even though they are more than happy to reap the rewards of this slightly socialist democracy that we live in. But they do so due to strongly held idealogical beliefs, so each to their own I say.
But yeah, bring on Saturday and bring on the result so at least I can start bitching about how stupid the rest of the country must surely be. And hey if Winston Peters gets in to any major seat of power at least I'll have yet another reason to leave the country.
edit: Listening to: Fat Freddy's Drop - Based on a True Story
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Smile and wave boys...
I for one am excited beyond words.
I did have other stuff that I was going to talk about, however it is late and I'm going to go to bed.
Listening to: Kd Lang and Fat Freddy's Drop
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Today's post is brought to you by the letter 'B' and the number 21.
First blog post ever.
Today's post is brought to you by the letter 'B' and the number 21.
B is of course for blog. Mine is named "labels are never easy". This is largely due to having no idea what to call it, but also because I spend a lot of time thinking about labels. Sexuality, gender, nationality. All of those elements of our identity include a label of some sort. We are as much the sum of our labels as we are anything else.
I know that none of this is a particularly original, however I never claimed to be!
I have especially been thinking about labels in terms of sexuality of late. I had an intense conversation with my parents a week or so ago about sexuality, well actually about whether I would have children, but sexuality obviously came into this. My mum asked if...
"As far as you are concerned you are gay and always will be?"
I was a little unsure how to answer this. The easy answer is yes. I am gay, and as of current posting I have only had romantic/sexual feelings towards woman. I am involved with a woman and there are no plans for that to change anytime soon. But why does this sort of thing have to be so solid? Why is it that we have to constantly label and box everything? If I did start seeing a man would I now magically be straight? Or would I be a lesbian who is kinda seeing a man??
Human nature yadda yadda yadda... but is there more to it than our desire to understand and feel comfortable with anything that is considered 'different'? There are no answers to this and I'm glad mum asked me the question. After all it is a hell of a lot better than skirting around the subject like some huge pink elephant, but it did make me think.
That should do for now, the other part of today's post is of course 21. As in weeks. As in 'till Tamar returns to Wellington.
Listening to: Culexico and High Contrast's Essential mix