Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm a fan girl, I admit it

So I'm sitting here on a freezing cold Wellington night listen to the Joss Whedon interview that Nick reccomended.

Not only that but I just got very excitied about the Buffy Complete Collection that is on pre-order at Amazon.

I don't entirely know why this stuff excites me so much. I have always loved it. I'm pretty sure it is the ability to escape my somewhat boring (well comparatively) world and enter this utterly different place. In terms of fandom Xena did it first, then Buffy took over the reigns. No other shows have yet been able to grip me in quite the same way, though I do constantly look.

I think it just comes down to strong women doing kick arse things. I like strong women. I admire them and I want to be one. And being able to watch them do the stuff they do is quite simply fantastic. I was going to go into some deep discourse as to why this was but really I'm just excited by Joss and anything he creates. Hell I even watched Alien: Resurrection after I heard he co-wrote it!

Listening to: Modest Mouse -- The Moon and Antarctica

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